Every day in Washington, thousands struggle to put food on the table. As the pandemic has driven unemployment up, food insecurity has risen with it. According to Northwest Harvest, 1 in 10 Washingtonians struggle with hunger consistently, 1 in 8 people rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to get food, and half of those reliant on it are children. In the past year, over 1 million Washington residents have visited food banks.
There is no greater good than feeding the hungry. Our mission is to connect people and food. This is an effort to build the momentum to end hunger in Washington State, ensuring resources are effectively stewarded to do the best for most people.
We started this program in 2020 and have made a small but positive impact with the resourcefulness and support provided by members of our Jain community. In 2020, over 35 Jain families in the area opened their hearts and came together to help solve this problem. Together, we conducted 6 Food Drives and donated 159 meals to 4 homeless shelters.
Encouraged by our community’s giving spirit, we are continuing this effort and taking an ambitious goal to provide 1,000 meals this year in 2021.
I want to help alleviate hunger. What can I do?
For every donation drive, we determine a list of food items that are needed – taking into account our Jain values and the needs and requirements of the charity we are donating to. We designate a location where all donors can drop off the food by a specified time. When all the food is collected, a volunteer delivers it the shelter.
You can participate by donating the food – purchased, or home cooked, depending on the specific drive. You can also volunteer for delivering the food from the collection location to the charity. The planned donation drives and needs are all coordinated through signups here.
JSS Food Drive teams up our amazing volunteers to donate vegetarian healthy balanced meals to our homeless neighbors. Over the years, we have been regularly catering dinners to 5 different local shelters on available Saturdays.
Join in our team of volunteers via whatsapp group to sign up to donate a dish or sponsor a full meal for 30-100 people for any day special to you like birthday’s or such – Join Whatsapp
If you want to help by donating food:
- Sign up for the slots you want to help with here
- Drop off the food items you signed up for at the designated location by the specified time
New Food
Donation Drive
Friday, March 1, 2024 - 3:00 PM

SMS / Whatsapp
Vasu Jain @ 425.417.0189

For questions related to this event, please contact Mahavir Chhajed by phone @ 732.986.1464 or email at
For sponsorship and volunteer opportunity, please send an email to giveback-team@