• We understand about 10 atama dharma,
  • 8 parts of Samyak Dashan,
  • 8 parts of Samyak Gyan and
  • 13 parts of Samyak Chaitra.

But all come with one meaning when we concentrate on one PARAM SUDHATMA. We talked more about Samyak Charitra that we learnaboyt it but for inner change we have to change our real mithya manyatta. For that we have to come to monthly program and do chintan try to experience inner piece.
Lastly we talked about Kshamavali. It is for each person first do Kshama to own soul for not paying attention to it. By sitting calmly and realizing real kshama dharm inside you then figuring out the to whom we hurt by knowly or unknowly. Then say “Mecchami Dhukanam” to people Surround us.That is real Kshamavali.